Tossing Up Some Fun at the 2nd Annual Bustin' With Bags Tournament
City Park Grill - September 16, 2017
bags toss at 1:00
Grab some friends and head out to City Park Grill, 3157 Morgan Ford in St. Louis on September 16, 2017. The bags toss at 1:00.
Troutbusters is sponsoring this event. It is a double elimination tournament with a $100 for a first place win and a consolation winner will be awarded $25. Organizers are hoping for 40 two person teams. The cost to enter is $40 per team.
It is called cornhole, dummy boards, bean bag toss, doghouse or baggo. This American lawn game is where players take turns throwing bags of corn or bean bags at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. A bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point. Play continues until a team or player reaches the score of 21.
Rob and Blake at City Park have promised special food and drink items along with live music. There will be great raffle items including: Cardinal baseball tickets and gift certificates from local restaurants, Urban Chestnut and more. You can also participate in the 50/50 drawing and a silent auction with awesome items.
Bustin' with Bags benefits Reel Recovery, a national non-profit organization that conducts free fly fishing retreats for men living with all forms of cancer, the Lt Dan Fund, The Troutbuster Conservation Scholarship at Missouri S&T, the Collage of the Ozarks and the Fischer House at Jefferson Barracks. Please come and help us help others.

Option 1 - Mail
Send a check for $40 per team to:
The Troutbusters
2256 Viewroyal Drive
Des Peres, MO 63131
Option 2 - Email
Send your team's information to
Donate $40 per team using Paypal
Page Title

Option 3 - In Person
Stop in at City Park Grill
3157 Morganford Rd
St. Louis, MO 63116
If anyone is interested in donating a raffle or silent auction item please contact Jim Wallace at 314-452-9904 or
Get your throwing arms in shape, gather your family and friends and help send cancer survivors on retreats by participating in Bustin' with Bags.